Monday, May 4, 2009

Lesley's Baby Shower

This past Saturday I helped host a baby shower for one of my oldest friends, Lesley, and her soon-to-be baby boy Tyler (I LOVE that name, it was one of our top boy names!). We had a great turnout, Lesley had to use two vehicles to get all of her gifts home (I am pretty sure Babies-R-Us had to restock) and Natalie got to play with her hospital buddy Darian (more on that in the next post). We had a great time and I can't wait to meet Tyler!

I totally stole this idea from Stephanie's shower!

The parents are HUGE Astros fans!

Mama getting in some practice with her new nephew

The presents surrounding her were only a few of the whole picture!

Some of my best friends!!!

I LOVE this picture! I so miss feeling a baby moving inside of me! I just don't want the screaming-on-the-outside-for-the-next-2-years part of it!

Cute onesie her SIL made

Already ready for the baseball games!

Her talented SIL also made this for his nursery wall!!

1 comment:

Amy Molander said...

Looks like it was great fun! And I wondered what all the cars were doing out front... :-)