Monday, April 20, 2009

Rainy Saturday

Isn't it funny how we hardly get any rain the last month, and then Mother Nature decides to make up for it in a 3-hour period?

Lots of rain + french doors + no gutters = wet carpet in the bedroom

Ignore the sprinkler, at least we finally turned it off from our all-nighter Tuesday night!

And this is what I finally put together this weekend - bow holders for the girls :) I have been looking for some that would match their pink and green bathroom, but didn't find anything I really loved. So I bought some letters, paint and ribbon and made my own! Just don't look too closely, I am no Martha Stewart!


Tracy and Dave said...

those bow holders are cute!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Those bow holders are great! I should do that for my niece, if I were at all talented, that is!
I almost like those rainy days, they are cool to see!