Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cutest thing ever!

Natalie's hospital buddy Darian (they were born the same night down the hall from each other!) was at Lesley's Baby Shower this past weekend, so the girls got to play together. When it was time to go, Natalie loaded her up on "presents" to take home with her, one of them being one of her Barbie walkie-talkies so they could talk. Not 2 minutes after Darian left, we get a phone call from her grandma dying of laughter because Darian is in the backseat screaming into the walkie-talkie "NATALIE, can you hear me? NATALIE?!" So we told Natalie that Darian was talking to her over the walkie-talkie, and Natalie ran and grabbed hers and started trying to talk to Darian. Of course, they are miles away by now, and come on, these are Barbie walkie-talkies. They barely work down the hall. Next thing we hear is Darian's grandma telling us she is yelling into her walkie "TALK LOUDER NATALIE, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" and Natalie saying "Darian, I just can't hear you!" It was absolutely adorable. I wished I had my video camera on hand, but a picture will have to do!

1 comment:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

That is adorable! I love kids!
BTW, you work for NASA? Do tell me more!